
I need to re-connect with my blog

Last weekend I spent it reading my own blog.
What for?
Because something was not sitting right with me and I couldn't understand what.

Now I think I know.
This doesn't feel like my space anymore.
I've been trying hard to post more often and to keep a schedule, but it's not working for me.
I'm not sure where I'm going with it. Some days I'm happy with it, some days I just don't want even to think about it. Does it ever happen to you? Do you ever feel like you're doing somenthing that should be fun, but really it's not always that fun anymore?

I really like doing the interviews and connect with other nice and talented designers and crafters. I still love this part, so I will still do it in the future.
But I feel there is not enough of me on these pages..maybe I just find it difficult because for some strange reason I become quite shy when it comes to the internet. I'm not shy in person, but here is a different story.

I'll try to be more myself and share my life in these pages.
I want for sure share more about my inspirations and my process, but I also want to share a bit of my daily life.
I think that sharing what I love to do is important to connect with you.

I'll do my best and those days that I feel a bit too shy maybe I'll just post some pics.
Thank you for your patience.

By the way I also worked on the terrace!


  1. I came to the same conclusion on my own blog some time ago and decided to share more personal posts, photos from my life, etc. After all, my blog is not "a business" but a place to connect with people and share inspirations and work and a bit of myself too. :)

  2. I have the same trouble sometimes when I go with my natural flow, it comes right out, when I plan it sometimes it goes beautifully but sometimes it feels forced:) nice post

  3. I find that I do better when I plan ahead. If I suddenly think, "oh dear I have to write a blog post what shall I do?" then - well, it sucks. But if I have planned ahead what I want to write about on a given day, then I'm usually writing in my head while I do other things so when I sit down to actually type, it all just comes out. I think you're right about posting more personal things. Readers like to know the person behind the blog.

  4. I know how you feel! It's hard to strike a balance between showing your personality and keeping your life private. When I don't know what to post I like to turn to pictures too :)

  5. Thank you girls! Thanks for the kind words and support :)


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